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I'll add my actual cost for shipping to the listed prices.
ST220 cams
These cams came out of my engine with about 4000 miles on the clock. I replaced them with cams from Jetstream in England that were reground for a bit more lift and duration. AFAIK, ST220 cams are not available in the US. If you want genuine Noble cams and you're in the US, you can buy these, or try to import them from across the pond.
$1000 for the set of 4 ST220 cams.
I have 4 MBE ECUs. Three of them work, one refuses to connect to my tuning computer. All are Noble-spec 975D models. I'm selling them because I converted my car to a different brand of ECU.
Turbohose single turbo cold side
I bought a single turbo conversion kit from Turbohose soon after buying my Noble. Later, I converted to an air/water intercooler, so I don't need these parts anymore. This package includes the intercooler, all cold side tubes and couplers, the insulated air box, and a heat shield that hangs below the air box.
$1000 for everything shown.
Noble factory injectors
I am now running 20 psi of boost, which is way more than the original factory boost setting. I switched to 75 lb//hr low impedance injectors and an Acceleronics VersaFueler to run them. This set of factory injectors came off after about 4000 miles of use. Acceleronics ultrasonically cleaned them and check the flow pattern. They are 42 lb/hr high impedance green tops.
$150 for the set of 6 injectors.
Hella 90 mm H9 lamp housings - SOLD!!
I converted my factory low beam headlights to D2S HID. These are the H9 housings I removed. There is nothing broken on them.
H9 lamps - SOLD!!
If you buy my Hella housings, I'll toss in these lamps. They really are barely used. I switched to HID at about 5000 miles.
Noble logo boost hoses - SOLD
These hoses came off when I switched to the single turbo arrangement. They are in very good condition and probably not easy to find in the US.
$200 for the set.
Coolant reservoir
If your coolant reservoir is grungy or leaky, buy this one. As with most of the parts here, I pulled this off soon after buying the car. It has maybe 3000 miles of use
Air filter hoses - SOLD
These hoses connect the factory twin turbos to the air filters. Yet another batch of parts that came off when I did the single turbo conversion. These are nice hoses with sturdy end fittings.
Air filters
Yep, more parts that got replaced by the single turbo conversion. Good condition, ready to bolt on.
$50 for both filters.
Noble dash vents
I replaced the factory dash HVAC vents with parts from an Audi TT.
$25 for both dash vents
Window winder-uppers
I replaced these window winders with a Spal electric window kit
$40 for both sets.
Noble fuel rail
The Noble fuel rail is much bigger diameter than what you'll find on a boneyard Duratek 3.0 engine. I don't think it was used on any other US car besides the Noble.
Noble engine harness parts
I have parts from several Noble engine harnesses. I do not have a complete harness that is ready to install. Contact me if there is a connector with pigtail that you're interested in. MBE connectors are pretty rare!
Contact me with your needs and we'll work out a reasonable price.
Fuel filter canister
This canister came off when I complete re-engineered my fuel system. I don't have a cartridge for it, but the canister is clean and ready to install. AN fittings on both ends.
Noble oil catch can
This part came off when I did the single turbo conversion. It's clean and ready to install.
HID conversion kit for Noble H9
I bought and installed this kit before spending the big bux for a full D2S xenon setup. It is as good as any conversion kit out there.
Orange heat shield jackets
More stuff that came off when I did the single turbo conversion.
$40 for all of it.
Ignition coils
I've bought two engines in addition to the one that came in my Noble. That is why I have a bunch of extra parts in the garage, including these Ford coils. I run these Ford coils in my engine that spins to 7500 rpm and makes 20 psi of boost. They work fine. They are $43 from Rock Auto.
$25 each
Noble O2 sensors
Yes, even more stuff that came off when I did the single turbo conversion. These sensors have no more than maybe 3000 miles on them. My car has only a nudge over 10k miles.
$20 each.
Ball joints
I bought a bunch of Quinton Hazell QSJ1184S ball joints when I took my suspension apart for new bushings and powder coating. These are extras that I never installed. They are not so easy to find in the US because they apparently are not used on any mass market car sold here. Amazon UK has them for £11.87 each ($15.66 today), but I bet shipping is not cheap. I paid $36.73 to import them when I bought these in 2011.
$25 each
Rear tow hook
If you read my updgrades pages, you'll know I'm not a fan of the factory tow hooks. But, if you want a rear hook for the race car appearance, not be dragged out of the kitty litter after you overcook a corner, this one will work.
Noble Coolant Manifold
If you've read my upgrade pages, you know that I completely reworked the cooling system in my M400. This Noble-specific coolant manifold is one of the parts I removed. If you're interested in this part, and you would rather have it be polished and shiny, let me know. I have all the gear to polish alumin(i)um.
Idle air blockoff plate
I'm not really selling this Noble-specific part. I'm giving it to you for the cost of shipping and a few minutes of my time.
$0 plus $15 to ship it.
Power steering pump - sold
At one point I had three Duratec V6s. Now I have one plus a bunch of extra parts such as this power steering pump. A quick eBay search suggests that new pumps go for about $100.
steering fluid tank
I think the steering fluid reservoir used on the Noble is a BMW part. I see similar looking parts listed online for $20 to $30.
Water pump
I removed my water pump when I converted to an electric pump. See my upgrade pages if you haven't already.
oil pump
Not much to say about this oil pump except that, like all the other parts here, it has seen very few miles.
Lower intake manifolds
I have two pairs on lower intake manifolds. I don't want to split up the pairs.
$30 per pair
windage tray
Clean and ready to install. Postage will probably cost more than what I'm asking for the part.
water inlet
A quick internet search says that this thing is called a Connector Tube by Ford. New ones go for $70 and up depending on how thoroughly you search.